Therapy in Hampstead and Online Mandi Simons Counselling & Psychotherapy Practice

“I cannot recommend Mandi Simons highly enough. I found my sessions with her incredibly insightful and successful. She understands that people have different needs and our therapy sessions were tailored to my personal concerns and experiences.”

“I have been seeing Mandi for over a year, and I feel like a different person since starting my sessions, she has helped me to gain confidence in myself and I feel much less anxious about everything and am really beginning to enjoy life and rebuild relationships, I don't know what I would have done without her.”

“Mandi helped us with very difficult relationship issues. We felt there was no light at the end of the tunnel but she helped us to find a way forward with each other and our family. We can't recommend her highly enough”

“I used to suffer from very severe panic attacks which almost paralysed me. Using CBT Mandi helped me to learn to manage them, I no longer fear them and I feel like a new person and am able to get on with my life and look forward to each day without fearing it.”

“Mandi ran an online session for our team to help give us all a deeper insight into mindfulness, understanding how it can be used positively and how we can incorporate mindfulness techniques into our daily lives. We all discussed how we can be more mindful and touched on individual experiences we have had throughout the pandemic.

“The session was well structured, giving everyone the chance to feed in with their own interpretations of mindfulness. Mandi gave us a variety of exercises throughout the session so that we could practice mindfulness techniques as a group. These were so incredibly helpful and we all felt they could be easily used after the session throughout our working days. Mandi also very kindly provided us with some resources to share amongst our team so we always have techniques and tips to refer to. We would thoroughly recommend Mandi for work place sessions as a great way to include the team in mindfulness techniques and improve wellbeing.”

London Communications Agency

“Mandi facilitated a session with our colleagues covering the mental health of teenagers during our Mental Health Awareness week in May 2022. The engagement and candour of our colleagues during this session was greatly assisted by the way Mandi carefully covered a wide range of issues facing teenagers at the moment (loneliness, social media, anxiety around exams and other milestones, social and emotional development and the way COVID has affected this etc.)

“We received so many questions from colleagues seeking Mandi's advice on these topics that we weren't able to cover all of them during the session. Mandi provided follow-up answers and we've received extremely positive feedback from colleagues about the event and in particular Mandi's delicate handling of such sensitive topics and we would love to do more events with her in the future for our parental community at the Guardian.”

“Friends had recommended Mandi as we felt we needed some couples counselling and general family therapy. We were quite sceptical but Mandi put us at ease and gained our confidence in her almost immediately. After a few sessions we really felt we were making a difference, not only in our relationship but also in the family dynamic. The homework really helped, we felt it was tailor made for us rather than generic homework sheets which I had been given when I had individual counselling from the NHS in the past.

“We feel we have the tools now to manage difficult times, we not only have we learnt to diffuse explosive situations but often pre-empt them and avoid them entirely. Life is much better. Mandi is an accomplished and skilful family and couples therapist. Highly recommended.”

“Mandi spoke to our group of parents for a Guardian employee event. She was knowledgeable and used her wealth of experience to provide useful tips about returning to school, and how to handle any worries or concerns ourselves or our children maybe feeling. Mandi was hugely collaborative, asking insightful questions to delve into issues raised, so solutions could be discussed with the best context. We were so pleased to have Mandi facilitate the event and would love to have her back again.”

“Having been visiting Mandi regularly for just over two years, I cannot recommend her highly enough. I was lost in an awful state of depression when we first met which had been left to build up over many years, and over time Mandi was able to encourage me to speak openly with her and bit by bit walls came down and the constant state of anxiety lessened. Having never considered counselling of any kind previously I am now a big advocate, and Mandi has all the tools and experience to give anyone visiting her the confidence that you will be in good hands.”

“Hi Mandi, just a quick note to say thank you for your support, wisdom and expertise over the last couple of years. I feel I have grown as a person since starting to come and see you and now have developed the coping skills and insight to manage life so much better. The problems are still there (that’s life) but the way I deal with them is so different that life finally feels less of a battle and more of a joy! Thank you and I will keep recommending you to my friends. Everyone should come and see you!”


“Mandi was very helpful when it came to improving our communication and also understanding the reasons why we sometimes react the way we do. Her approach is practical, not simply providing an analysis of 'why', but sharing tools and exercises for how to do things better. Realistically it is difficult to apply these in every situation, but we now feel better equipped to deal with stressful situations. Mandi's consulting rooms are very comfortable and her approach is informal which we prefer. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Mandi for Relationship Counselling.”

“My wife and I started coming to see Mandi around 8-9 months ago. We were on the verge of separating, we had stopped communicating healthily and were constantly arguing or sulking. Mandi has helped us to learn to communicate, to hear, listen, give space when needed. Our old negative patterns are beginning to be replaced by new healthy ones. We feel we have a future for us and our family. We are incredibly grateful we found you.”


“Mandi helped me get through a very difficult period by providing me with a supportive environment in which to discuss my feelings. Mandi encouraged me to examine events in my life and the feelings associated with them from a different perspective, allowing me to get to know myself a little bit better. She is relaxed but professional, and her friendly and non-judgemental nature made me feel very comfortable.”

“A few years ago I was going through some big life changing experiences and suffered from social anxiety. Mandi provided me with the right tools and coping mechanisms to help get me get through what I considered to be a difficult time in my life. Fast forward a few years and I have now been seeing Mandi over the past year to help me cope with a tragic bereavement which nobody could ever have prepared for. Without the support and re-assurance from Mandi I don't think I would be where I am today - she has helped me to live my life again and has re-ignited my hope for a happier future when all hope seemed lost. Mandi is a great listener, offers sound and sensible advice without judgement, and has given me the confidence to live and breathe again.”


“I have been seeing Mandi on a weekly basis now for approx 2 years, to help me to cope with emotional difficulties linked to my past. She has been an absolute lifeline to me and having her to talk through areas I am struggling with each week has helped me to add perspective and deal with them in a much more positive way than I previously would have been able to. Mandi has gradually earnt my trust and respect by always listening and responding but never pushing me to go any further than I feel that I want to. She never judges and always encourages me to focus and be proud of my progress however small the steps.”

“Mandi was very helpful when it came to improving our communication and also understanding the reasons why we sometimes react the way we do. Her approach is practical, not simply providing an analysis of 'why', but sharing tools and exercises for how to do things better. Realistically it is difficult to apply these in every situation, but we now feel better equipped to deal with stressful situations. Mandi's consulting rooms are very comfortable and her approach is informal which we prefer. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Mandi for Relationship Counselling.”

“Before coming to Mandi I have tried counselling (both NHS and private) and unfortunately not found it successful but I hope to keep up my weekly sessions with Mandi for the foreseeable future and continue to make further steps forward!”

“Mandi has helped us to steer our relationship in the right direction. She has a very good eye for detail and can identify and work with you on underlying issues which you were not aware of. She provides a calm and peaceful environment for the sessions.”

“It is easy to see that Mandi is a natural in her profession and I would happily recommend her to anyone!”

“My family was falling apart and we decided to seek family therapy. Mandi had been recommended to us and I understand why! She made us feel safe enough to say really difficult things to one another and gradually we were able rebuild our family relationships. It's not perfect by any means but we have learnt how to communicate and express how we feel and to listen to one another! I would recommend her to any family who need some help and guidance.”

“I am such a different person since having sessions with Mandi. She provides a relaxing environment in which you can openly share your thoughts and experiences without judgement. I find myself leaving the sessions feeling lighter, like a heavy weight has been lifted. I feel more confident taking on new challenges and have made much progress in my mental health since my experience working with Mandi.”

“I've been meaning for a while to contact you to express my appreciation @ how you helped me. Amazingly, I was awarded a 1st for my viva. Since March I've been working for the Stroke Association + loving it. My confidence has increased + I'm more self-aware + much less anxious. Thank you!”

“Mandi has helped me on and off with anxiety issues over the last couple of years, applying a range of effective therapies. She has a relaxed but professional approach that I would recommend to anyone. Although I don’t see her regularly at the moment, I know the door is always open if I need to go back for a couple of sessions.”


“When I first came through the door to see Mandi I didn’t really want to be there or think I needed to be. I was there as others felt I needed a bit of help or time to reflect and I decided it was easier to go along with the idea rather than fight the tide. I asked a very close friend for a referral as I knew he’d been in a similar situation and Mandi’s name came up. Without going in to too much detail I can say that many months and sessions later I feel I am in a much better place. My life is better in many ways. Everybody is different and it’s hard to articulate what better means and what resulted in those improvements.

“There are many variables for sure but there remained one constant during the slow steady improvements in my life and that was the Therapy which just kept me on the right path of what I wanted and how to get closer to it. In short I smile a lot more than I used to and that’s because life is good and most importantly, I actually recognise that!”


“I had never had counselling before I consulted Mandi at what was a particularly stressful period of my life. In my forties, I was naturally apprehensive about speaking to a complete stranger about myself. I had heard stories from friends whose counsellors hardly said a word during sessions, which was not what I wanted. Mandi listens actively and has a pragmatic approach which I liked. I immediately felt very comfortable talking to Mandi and I felt relaxed and safe during our sessions. In the short term, Mandi allowed me to off load and I always felt as though a weight had lifted after sessions. In the longer term, Mandi helped me to recognise the entrenched negative patterns which had been preventing me from reaching my potential in life. I would not hesitate to recommend Mandi to anyone who is considering counselling.”

Find out more

To learn more about how my team of therapists provide counselling in Hampstead and online, please visit our How We Work page.

How We Work

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